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Located at Laan van Kronenburg 14, 1183 AS Amstelveen, LargeAccounts B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 58932518 (VAT number NL853243529B01). We deeply value the privacy of our business customers and prioritize the safeguarding of their personal data. This privacy policy outlines our practices in storing, protecting, and utilizing the personal data collected through our services.

Voluntarily Provided Information:
Any information you willingly share with us, such as during website registration, is stored and managed in strict compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Usage of Information:
We utilize this data primarily to fulfill the purchase agreement established between you and us. Rest assured, we do not share this information with other organizations for commercial pursuits. For the purpose of delivering packages and addressing warranty claims, we will require your name and address. Moreover, retaining your data streamlines processes such as logging in and accessing invoices.

Additional Data Collection:
Beyond the voluntarily offered details, we gather and store supplementary information aimed at enhancing your experience on our webshop, curating more relevant advertisements, and mitigating potential security threats, including fraud.

Cookies and Pixels
We deploy cookies and pixels on our website to enhance your browsing experience, align our content to your preferences, and ensure our promotions resonate with your interests. For a comprehensive understanding of our cookie practices, please refer to our cookie policy.

SSL Certificate
We prioritize the security of your data. To ensure the safe transmission of sensitive information, like financial details, we employ an SSL certificate. This certificate is renewed annually, reaffirming our commitment to your security

Information requests
Should government or financial authorities suspect fraud, they may request data from us. We are bound by law to comply and provide this information when there's a credible suspicion of fraudulent activity

We understand the importance of privacy and the careful handling of your data. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us:

By e-mail: info@largeaccounts.nl

By letter: LargeAccounts B.V., Laan van Kronenburg 14, 1183 AS Amstelveen

Hardware delivery

At LargeAccounts, we offer an extensive range of hardware and services tailored to streamline your workplace operations, whether you're in the office or working remotely. Leveraging our robust partner network and expert logistics management, we ensure predictability and consistency in every interaction. With us, you're always in the know.

ICT services from LargeAccounts

Innovation lies at the heart of everything we do, especially when it comes to our ICT services. Recognizing the pivotal role of efficient and dependable ICT solutions in today's digital era, we are committed to ensuring the success of your business. Whether your operations are based in the office or carried out remotely, we've got your technology needs covered. Explore the overview below to delve deeper into our array of ICT services

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